Centro Rendu Programs

Adult Education:

Free adult basic education classes in Spanish, ESL for English language learners, high school completion programs (GED & 21+), computer and financial literacy classes.

Back 2 Work:

Centro Rendu offers a special Back 2 Work program that supports Latino adults with High School completion, and provides employment readiness training and job connections.

Case Management:

Culturally specific case management services to meet basic needs, achieve stability and self-sufficiency with home visits when needed.

Early Childhood Resources:

Centro Rendu has a dedicated line answered by Spanish-speaking Community Connectors for families with pre-school children to access services they need.


A Centro Rendu program that works with at-risk youth to help redirect behavior that may lead to violence, drug use, and academic challenges. ReRoute provides mentoring services, intervention, and advocacy in schools.

Parent Ambassadors:

The Parent Ambassador Model (PAM) program helps in local schools throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle to strengthen leadership skills for parents and cultural competency for administrators and educators through skill development and relationship building. This is a replicable program supported by Centro Rendu.

Legal Services:

Centro Rendu works with legal resources in the community to connect and support individuals and families in their path towards status stability when appropriate.

Spanish Class Program:

Centro Rendu Spanish Class is a safe place that provides students an opportunity to share, learn, and manage their feelings, while developing their listening, reading, and writing skills in Spanish.

EMS Program:

The EMS program provides culturally relevant access to wellness, risk and preventative health information through specific trainings dedicated for our Latino community.

Caregiver Peer Support:

King County Promise:

Mentorship Program:

Centro Rendu Mentorship is a program in Kent Lake High School and Kent Meridian High School to assist Latinx students who are having issues attending school.